Ahni Radvanyi & Chris Filkins are Acro Love. Over the next few weeks we intend to share many of the machines which we have written. This particular one is called “Stupid”. The move came out of turning the bases first foot backwards upon mount. It seemed a stupid thing to do to turn your foot over like that – hence the name!

This is a very challenging machine after the rotation phase as the flyer has to twist very tightly to keep the weight aligned and allow for the base to remain stacked. If the base loses stack just before the mount back to goofy star the flyer will fall every time.

Assuming we are not re-inventing the wheel we hope you like this and can learn from it. Someone may have done this particular move before while we thought we made it up ourselves. If you know of this machine with another name created by someone else please let us know. We are always looking to learn more.

Ahni & Chris have a 2 year practice together in Venice/Santa Monica California. We teach and hold to a very progressive training regimen for acrobatic type yoga. In the traditional Acro Yoga sense of the world we focus on solar as we both adore momentum and momentum and more momentum.

We teach regularly at Laughing Frog Yoga in Los Angeles and can often be seen training on the green at Original Muscle Beach.

In October of 2013 we will be hosting a week long retreat in Costa Rica to share our love of this discipline, vegan food, intentionality, and being in the present. If you would like to learn more search for “Destination Recalibration” on the interwebs.

You can also search for us on the facebooks under our names, and/or “Westside Acro“.

Stay tuned for more machines. Next week we will introduce the “Rubik’s Cube”.

So it turns out we have re-invented the wheel! This move, or a very close approximation (ours is goofy and more elegant we think), was developed by Scott Gilroy and Rachel Grey and they call it Whirlpool. Great minds think alike! Looking forward to going through our catalog of innovations and posting them here so we can learn what we have created whole cloth and what we have re-invented. All respect to Scott and Rachel!!!