Acro Love Wanderlust Flow 2013

Chris Filkins & Ahni Radvanyi celebrate 2 years of their Acro Love partnership in this highlight reel from their acrobatic performances at Wanderlust 2013 in Lake Tahoe.

Song is Laundry by Midwest Product. Cinematography by Marco Antonelli. Produced, directed, and edited by Chris Filkins.

AcroYoga Partnership Tested

This shoot high on the mountain at Squaw Valley for Wanderlust 2013 was an incredibly difficult AcroYoga shoot. The all are but this one a doozy. Our romantic relationship had ended in the weeks prior to this event. Both of us were quite sad and worn down at this point. Our performances went very well at the event. But when we went to shoot this and it was noone but us and Marco and a cold windy mountainside we were up against it for sure.

We both felt we had an obligation to use our AcroYoga practice to help us through this difficult time. We believed our practice was more about communication than anything acrobatic. We had the intention from the beginning of our practice to live and act as though this stuff matters. Did our principles of communication actually mean anything? Does an AcroYoga practice actually help with communication? We strive to stress this “own your own shit” way of communicating with our students and as our romance unraveled it was sorely tested.

The actual making of this video was a constant source of tension between us for months. The video came out pretty well. Perhaps the difficulties we went through helped to produce something of value. I think for both of us the video is a bit of a disappointment as parts of the act simply weren’t working. Either we couldn’t manage to pull them off because the day was so tough on us or the camera positions were wrong or the wind blew the hoop out of frame. There were so many issues we had to tackle.

At the end of the festival it remained an open question whether we would work together ever again. As of December of 2013 we have not played, worked, or trained together since August.